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发布人:admin  发布时间:2021-11-09  浏览次数:749


According to the classification of material: sun room top glass roof sun room, the aluminum top Tegola top sun room, sun room, color steel plate top sun room


According to the classification of the sun room facade materials: aluminum aluminum doors and windows, Xingfa aluminum doors and windows, aluminum clad wood doors and windows, steel doors and windows.


According to the structure of the sun room classification: steel structure sunshine house, aluminum structure sunshine room, steel and aluminum structure sunshine room, wood structure sunshine room.

按阳光房的位置分类:露台阳光房、花园阳光房、封门斗阳光房 、地下庭院阳光房、封阳台阳光房。

According to the position of the sun room classification: garden terrace sun room, sun room, sun room, underground courtyard door bucket sun room, balcony sunshine room.

阳光房按造型分类:创意顶阳光房,组合顶阳光房、造型顶阳光房 、单斜顶阳光房。

According to the classification of the shape of the sun room: Creative top sun room, the combination of the top of the sun room, the top of the shape of the sun room, the sun room.

欧式阳光房分类:地中海式阳光房 ,拜占庭式阳光房 、维多利亚式阳光房、哥特式阳光房。

European style sun room category: Mediterranean style sun room, Byzantine sun room, Vitoria style sunshine room, Gothic sunshine room.



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